Effectively cleans the dirt and dust from GP contact lenses. It has a shade of visibility so you can see that the cleaner has been completely washed out of the lens. Leaves lenses clean, clear and ready for disinfection.
Cleaning and disinfecting the lens with the Boston solution
Every night
- Wash your hands with a neutral soap.
- (Never use soaps containing cream, lanolin or fragrances)
- Rub both sides of the lens with 2-4 drops of Boston Advance Cleaner on the palm of your hand for 20 seconds.
- Remove any trace of cleaner by rinsing completely with fresh running water.
- Put the lenses on the empty lens case.
- Fill it with fresh Boston Advance Comfort Conditioning Conditioning Solution
- Sip the lenses for at least 4 hours (or overnight).
Every morning
- Wash your hands with a neutral soap.
- (Never use soaps containing cream, lanolin or fragrances) Remove the lenses from the lens holder after immersion.
- Lubricate the lenses with fresh Boston Advance Comfort Conditioning Conditioning Solution solution to further form a moisture layer if you want.Wear your lenses.
- Clean the inside of the lens case thoroughly with warm water and allow it to dry in the air.
- Replace your lens case every month.